
Volunteers Needed in Meon Vale and Lower Quinton Area

16th January 2020

Stratford Foodbank is looking for a group of about 8-12 volunteers to be on a rota (one week in 4) to help deliver food parcels to clients living in Quinton and Meon Vale who can’t  attend a distribution session in Stratford.

Volunteers would need access to a car, email and mobile phone, reasonable petrol expenses can be reclaimed.

The details of this volunteer work are still evolving. However, in principal, it would mean being able to respond to an email or phone call, to then call in at Meon Medical to collect a food parcel and to then deliver that parcel to the client. This would be done in teams of two. Whilst we are not expecting volunteers to respond immediately to these requests we would hope that during their ‘week on duty’ the volunteer pair might respond within 1.5 days.

Although Meon Vale is 7 miles to the South of Stratford during the last 2 – 3 years our Foodbank has noticed an increasing number of clients coming to us from the area. We work with the local school, church and medical centre who can provide foodbank vouchers for a family or individual to exchange at our distribution sessions in Stratford. However, on occasions the client does not have transport which makes getting to Stratford difficult. In these situations we will consider making a delivery.

All volunteers will need to provide two references and to follow Foodbank safeguarding and safety policies.

If you would like to express an interest in this volunteering role please r email [email protected], or feel free to call Marion our foodbank manager on 07736 611323 for more information.


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