About the charity

Aims and Objectives

Our charity aims to prevent and relieve poverty in Stratford-upon-Avon and surrounding areas, in particular, but not exclusively, by providing emergency food supplies to those in need.

Our Vision

Long term: to reduce the need for people to require emergency food. 
Shorter term: to make ourselves more accessible to those who require emergency food.

Our Mission

To provide emergency food and support in Stratford-upon-Avon and surrounding areas for people in need, and to work with partners to prevent and relieve poverty.

Our Values

We work with our clients and volunteers in a way that is compassionate and demonstrates trust and respect. We work fairly and responsibly to provide support to those in need, especially those in our community who are in crisis.

Real Stories

“The foodbank was a lifesaver.” Your support is helping us to change lives.

About the Foodbank Network

The Trussell Trust supports communities and churches to open foodbanks across the UK.

Our Foodbank

Here is our Trustee's report to year ending November 2023.

How foodbanks work

Providing emergency food to people in crisis.