Our Money Advice project (MAP)

This is a partnership project and joint venture between the foodbank and Citizen's Advice South Warwickshire.

Local charities Citizens Advice South Warwickshire and Stratford-upon-Avon Foodbank have joined forces to help people build a more financially sustainable future for themselves and their families.

This project was developed between the two partner charities in response to the pandemic, each bringing unique and specialist support to the people they help.

We have 1.5 FTE dedicated caseworkers for this project who work on behalf of Citizens Advice South Warwickshire. Anyone needing support from the Foodbank is able to access support from the caseworkers and all foodbank staff and volunteers are able to make a referral directly to the project.

Support specialises in:

  • Claiming benefits and making an appeal
  • Helping with rent and council tax arrears
  • Making the most of your household budget
  • Cutting the cost of energy and water bills
  • Referring for debt advice around credit cards, catalogues, loans and overdrafts

About Citizens Advice South Warwickshire:
Citizens Advice South Warwickshire (CASW) is a local charity working to serve people in need across south Warwickshire. We support nearly 6,000 annually making a huge difference to their lives through the dedication of our 29FTE staff and our 130 volunteers.